Hall Seefeld / Tyrol

The Hall Seefeld / Tyrol is 150 m² and can also be divided into two equally sized rooms of 75 m² for smaller groups, making it very well suited for break-out rooms.

The impressive hall is furnished in a Tyrolean style with lots of wood and daylight and boasts, as a result, great acoustics. The foyer can also be used anytime for catering and thus guarantees a private entrance and exit for the event participants.

Prices in EURO and excluding 20% ​​VAT

Hall Seefeld / Tyrol

Size Cinema Parliament U Cocktail Price
150qm 100 60 30 175 380,00 EUR

Hall Seefeld

Size Cinema Parliament U Cocktail Price
75qm 50 30 15 85 190,00 EUR

Hall Tirol

Size Cinema Parliament U Cocktail Price
75qm 50 30 15 85 190,00 EUR